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2 Facial Massage Techniques You Must Try

2 Facial Massage Techniques You Must Try

Facial massage brings with it countless benefits, both for your skin and for your health. Practiced regularly, it stimulates blood circulation and accelerates lymphatic drainage, effectively reducing wrinkles and swelling of the face.

Thanks to their many skin benefits, these natural stone facial massage devices , such as facial roll or gua sha stone, should not be missing from your daily care routine.

In this article, we discuss how to get a facial massage with a roller or gua sha stones.

Technique # 1: Roller Massage

The key word in a roller facial massage is lymphatic drainage. Our goal with this type of massage is not only to relax the muscles, but also to push the lymph (the fluid full of toxins from the lymphatic system) out.

Caution: Do not press too hard on the roller. Even if we push something out, it doesn't mean you have to push hard, otherwise you risk breaking the blood vessels. Be careful, the weight of the natural stone itself is enough to move the lymph.

  1. Let's start at collarbone height: using the massage roller , slowly massage the area of ​​the collarbone with up and down movements. It is important to relax and warm the throat before moving to the face to achieve lymphatic drainage.
  1. Continue moving along the neck.
  1. When you get to the jaw, it's time to change the pace a little. We replace the vertical movement with a horizontal up and down movement. Starting from the chin area, roll the cheek to the ear. You can insist on certain areas, depending on what feels better to you, but make sure you cover your entire cheek before moving on to the next part of your face.
  1. We will then massage the forehead, slowly returning to the eye area. For the forehead, it would be ideal to start from the middle, massaging horizontally, towards the temples.

For eye massage, we recommend a duo facial roller, because the smaller stone is more suitable and easier to use on the eye area.

  1. Starting from the nose, gently massage the area under the eyes, towards the temples (the same movement you use when removing make-up).
  1. Last but not least, you can use the small stone of the roller to gently massage the eyebrows and the sides of the nose.

Technique # 2: Gua sha Massage

The gua sha stone massage is, in many ways, very similar to the facial roller. Here, too, it is important not to use too much pressure when massaging, to avoid bruising.

Before starting the massage, you should apply generous amounts of oil, serum or a greasy cream to facilitate the movement of the stone. If you feel that you are pulling on the skin of your neck or face with a stone, it means that you have not hydrated enough.

  1. Neck

Start again with the collarbone area, massaging upwards, along the neck, until reaching the stone somewhere behind the ear. It is well known that the muscles in this area accumulate a lot of tension and become tense, which also affects the appearance of the face, pulling the facial muscles down.

For neck massage, we can use the part with the two curved tips or the long side parts. We then come to the center to cover the whole neck with the gua sha.

  1. Face

We will use the whole part with two curved points for the jawline, insisting on the ear area, because this is where accumulated tension builds up.

Then using one of the sides of the stone, we will massage along the cheek, pressing one of the corners in the cheek.

For the eye area we will use one of the curved tips, but instead of pressing, we would rather draw lines with gua sha stone along the face. Keep a finger close to your nose to better stretch your skin. You can insist on the temples because here too, there is an important point of tension.

And let's not forget the forehead, where we can use either the two curved tips or one of the sides of the stone to relax the muscles and complete the lymphatic drainage.

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